Class Descriptions
Bootcamp - This is a training session designed to help our clients lose weight, burn fat, and get into great shape fast. They are a mixture of HIIT, Circuit Training, Boxing, Kettlebells, and other exercises. Session design varies from class to class.
Outdoor Bootcamp - Outdoor Bootcamp sessions are held on Hove Lawns. The sessions vary from week to week being a mixture of HIIT, circuit, running, Boxing and other Bootcamp style exercises.
Personal Training (PT) - One to one specialised programmes tailored exactly to your specific goals and needs,
At Brighton Bootcamp we pride ourselves on client satisfaction, basically we love helping our clients get into the best shape of their lives.
Your success is our success!

Brighton Bootcamp is a big part of my life, I train there 3-4 times per week and have made many friends there - it sounds like a cliché but it really is like one big, happy family. Everyone is encouraging and we all motivate each other to try harder. Paul is an amazing instructor - he seems tough (well he is!) but he does it to bring out the very best in you.​
​Clare Davey – Hove

A great thing about training here is the ethos. There is no elitism. No one feeling they are better than anyone else. Paul would never allow that. There are no egos. Paul's ego is enough! Only joking Paul!
He is passionate about people becoming fit, lean and strong. He knows we can do it. He believes in us even if we don't believe in ourselves. Many a time I have thought I wouldn't be able to do a certain exercise (box jumps come to mind!) or lift a heavier weight, he has shown me I can do it. There are some wonderful people here but we only have one desire and that is to achieve the best we can and encourage others to do the same.
Fiona Turner – Shoreham

Despite thinking I was fit and healthy I actually managed to drop an inch off my waist during my initial six weeks with Brighton Bootcamp.
Previously I’d done a few half marathons and had entered the Brighton Half, so upon return from honeymoon my wife and I thought we’d carry on Bootcamp training until the race. Incredibly I managed to knock 20 minutes off my PB, getting under 1h 40mins for the first time ever. That was it, I was hooked. Brighton Bootcamp doesn’t just get you leaner, it helps you get results. I even managed to get under 18 minutes on a 5k Park run. I’ve since achieved a PB of 1 hour 22 minutes at the Brighton Half Marathon.​
Matt Wilson – Worthing

After 7 years with Brighton Bootcamp, I am 3.5 stone lighter, and not just fit for my age – but one of the fittest dads at the school gate. I’ve run 4 marathons and six half marathons, and I’m happier with my body and health now than I’ve been for literally decades.
It’s not an easy option to get fit, and there have been a couple of lapses, but I can honestly say that the advice from Brighton Bootcamp, guidance and determination has been the major factor in my improvement.​
Tony Adams – Lewes

I heard about Brighton Bootcamp from a friend, who said she felt like it was the first proper exercise she had ever done. And after my first session, I completely understood what she meant, at Brighton Bootcamp there is no slacking off and my attitude has changed completely.
Brighton Bootcamp is not an intimidating gym and Paul is an incredibly astute instructor.
So far, I have lost inches around my chest, waist and hips. And my arms and thighs are definitely more toned, and I have even lost weight!
Lucy Britner - Hove

When I started, I weighed 82.9 kg with body fat of 42.2%, (which I found shocking), but at my most recent consultation I weighed just 63.7kg with body fat of 27.4%.
I now feel so much better, my agility, strength and endurance are growing all the time. Friends and family are amazed by the changes. It was so satisfying when I recently went clothes shopping to not be looking at the size 20 rail as I am now a size 12.
Teana Ashley - Southwick